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Questions about Belgian GP
Practical information

Ordering a ticket through Travel ensures you a seat on the original Max Verstappen Tribune. We have no further influence on the organisation of the event, such as the placement of stands and screens, facilities, access policy or parking facilities. For more information on this, please visit:

Organise this Grand Prix visit to perfection by also thinking about transport and accommodation. You arrange these things yourself: we only give some tips for each Grand Prix.

Travelling to the circuit

Getting to the circuit by car

The circuit is easily accessible by car. From Maastricht, it is about an hour's drive. Parking at the circuit is well arranged, but it is very busy. Car Park Red is closest to the Max Verstappen Tribune. Weekend tickets for this car park can be ordered directly when buying your entrance ticket. Make sure you travel to the circuit on time. Verstappen Travel does not sell parking tickets, these can only be purchased at the circuit.

Public transport

The best way to travel to Francorchamps is by train. For more information about train travel in Belgium, please consult the circuit's website.

Do you sell kids tickets?

We sell kids tickets for this race. These are valid for children up to 12 years old. Kids get €100 discount and kids will also receive Verstappen Travel Goodies. Check the organisation's website to see up to which age children do not need a ticket:  Spa GP - tickets. They do not need a ticket and will therefore not receive any goodies. They do not have their own seat and should therefore remain on the lap of the adult.

To check the child's age, they are required to bring proof of identity to the circuit. The tickets are valid only for children who are 12 years old or younger during the race weekend. Two kids tickets can be obtained per regular ticket.

There is a row and seat by my bronze / parking ticket, how is this possible?

You can ignore the row and seat numbers on the bronze tickets (standing places) in your account. These are technically necessary within the platform, but mean nothing on the track.

You can enter all bronze areas with these tickets.

Hoe kom ik aan mijn Verstappen Travel goodies?

De Verstappen Travel goodies kan jij ophalen tijdens het raceweekend bij de Officiële Verstappen Shop Trailers. Download de Max Verstappen - Official App op je telefoon om tijdens het raceweekend te zien waar je deze kan vinden.

Daarnaast kun je, zodra de e-tickets beschikbaar zijn, je goodies ophalen in onze winkels in Swalmen en Bataviastad. Je kunt de goodies ook voor anderen ophalen. Zorg dat je ook hun ticket kunt laten zien aan de kassa.

Accommodations and Officially Designated Campsites

In de omgeving van het circuit Spa-Francorchamps in Stavelot (België) zijn verschillende campings. Camping Green ligt het dichtst bij de Max Verstappen Tribune.

General travel questions
Do I need to set a t-shirt size?

Het is alleen noodzakelijk om voor de Grand Prix van Hongarije het shirtmaart door te geven.

Zet jij de tickets niet op de juiste naam en geef jij niet de juiste T-shirt maat door? Dan ontvang jij alle t-shirts in de maat van de hoofdboeker en kunnen wij niet garanderen dat jij wordt toegelaten tot het circuit. Dit is dus op eigen risico.

Is it possible to order more than 10 tickets?

If you would like to attend the Grand Prix with a group larger than 10 people, please contact our support team via [email protected] to consult the possibilties. 

Can I order a day ticket?

We only sell weekend tickets, these are valid from Friday up to and including Sunday. It is unfortunately not possible to order a day ticket for, for example, only Sunday.

For Dutch GP we only sell passepartout tickets. These are the same three day tickets we sell for other races (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). We follow the naming that Dutch GP uses to distinguish our tickets from their standaard 2-day weekend tickets (Saturday, Sunday).

Can I specify where I want to sit in the grandstand?

Yes, but it is subject to external factors. You can choose your own seats, but we reserve the right to deviate from this. This may be necessary if events cannot go ahead in full or if grandstands are being adjusted after we start selling.

Will I receive more information concerning the race?

About 2 weeks before the race, we will try to inform our fans via mail with as much information about the race as we have available.

Can I change the name on my tickets?

This is possible up to 1 week before the Grand Prix. As soon as the tickets have been sent, it is no longer possible to change the name on the ticket. We will send the digital tickets as soon as possible, approximately 1 week before the race.

If I have placed an order for tickets, can I cancel/revoke it?

We have received green light for the race with full attendance. This means we cannot cancel with the organisation. Because of this, we cannot take cancelation requests into account for the orders which are admitted. We as Verstappen Travel follow the terms and conditions for delivering the tickets for the chosen Grand Prix.

Will the pitlane walk talk place?

For options regarding pitlane walks and other activities on the track, please refer to the organisers/track.

What are the shipping and/or service costs?

Our tickets do not include any additional shipping and/or service charges. For the Dutch Grand Prix there will be a tax added on top.

I am disabled. Are there special facilities for me?

The grandstands for which we sell tickets are unfortunately not wheelchair accessible and there are no seats for disabled visitors. Possibilities for disabled visitors can be found on the circuit's website.

How and when will I recieve my tickets?

You can download the tickets from your Verstappen Travel account about 2 weeks before the race itself. You will receive an e-mail as soon as this is possible. We only sell e-tickets, so it is not possible to send the tickets by post.

When will the prizes be raffled?

A Paddock Tour will be raffled at the latest one week before the start of the GP. Only people who have bought a ticket for one of the Max Verstappen Tribunes via Travel have a chance to win the prizes. Winners must be able to present the ticket with the winning seat number in order to receive their prize.

The other prizes will be raffled after the race.


What can I take with me on the circuit?

De organisatie van het evenement bepaalt welke zaken er wel of niet het circuit op mogen. Dit kan per race verschillen. Zie voor meer informatie de website van het circuit. Let op dat items zoals fakkels/rookpotten/vuurwerk en eigen alcoholische dranken, maar ook paraplu's verboden kunnen zijn mee te nemen en dit kan leiden tot eventuele verwijdering van het terrein. 

How can I personalise my tickets?

You can personalize your tickets using the following steps:

Note: You can only use one email address per person. Using the same email address multiple times will result in an error message. If you do not have an available email address, you may use a fictitious one. The tickets will ultimately be sent to the email address used to place the order.

How to personalize your tickets:

  1. Log in via: using your existing customer account (email address) on our website.
  2. Click on ‘Orders’ and then on your order number.
  3. Click on ‘Manage Personalization’.
  4. Forward the ticket that needs to be personalized to the ticket holder so they can personalize it.

For child tickets, you may use the email address and/or phone number of the parent.

Please note: Each email address can only be used once. If the parent is also attending the race, you will need to use an alias or a different email address. Do not use non-existent email addresses, as we will not be able to contact you if necessary. Instructions for using an alias are provided below:

If you have an email address like [email protected], you can create multiple variations by adding a '+' and a number. For example, if you personalize with [email protected], you will also receive emails at that address.



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