Official webshop, official products
1.000.000+ satisfied customers
Worldwide delivery from € 5,99
When you visit our website (, use our app Orange Army or use the other products and services we offer, we process your personal data. We,, hereby qualify as the ‘data controller’ in the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”). The concept of ‘personal data’ includes all information about an identified or identifiable natural person.
We would like to tell you more about the use of your personal data and your privacy rights in this Privacy Policy. The links below will take you easily to the subject you want to know more about:
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions. You can reach us at: (a trading name of H.P.G.L. Hermans Trading B.V.)
Tolhuisweg 2
6071 RG Swalmen
The Netherlands
[email protected]
CoC: 70784930
We also use cookies and similar technologies. More information can be found in our Cookie Statement. This Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites that can be visited through links on our website or in the Orange Army app. Although we will do our utmost best to make sure that these links lead exclusively to websites that have corresponding security and confidentiality standards, we are not responsible for the protection and confidentiality of data, among which personal data, which you submit via these other websites. Before submitting personal data on other websites we recommend that you consult the privacy statement which applies on the website concerned.
For more information on the processing of your personal data when you apply to us, please see our separate Privacy Statement Sollicitanten.
Which personal data do we process?
Depending on the relationship we have with you, we process certain personal data. We tell you more about this below.
When you buy something from us
When you order a product from us or purchase a service from us, we process the following (categories of) personal data that you provide to us:
• Your name and address details (name, first names, initials, titles, gender, address, postal code, residence) and delivery address(es);
• Your e-mail address and telephone number;
• Payment details including the payment method used by you; through our payment service provider we can gain insight into your IBAN and/or where relevant your credit card details (for service-related questions);
• Details of the product or service you ordered and the delivery options.
When you contact us
When you contact us by e-mail or via the contact form on the website, we process the following (categories of) personal data:
• The contact details you provide (first name, last name, e-mail address);
• The content of your question, communication or request;
• Our own notes on our contact.
When you create an account with us
When you create an account with us, we process the following (categories of) personal data that you provide to us and/or are collected by us:
• Your name and address details (name, first names, initials, titles, gender, address, postal code, residence) and delivery address(es);
• Your e-mail address and telephone number;
• Your order history;
• Payment details including the payment method used by you; through our payment service provider we can gain insight into your IBAN and/or where relevant your credit card details (for service-related questions);
• Your language preference;
• Your e-mail preferences, your IP address, information about your location and which device and browser you use, and the open and click ratio with the corresponding timestamps (time of opening) of the messages we send you.
When you sign up to our newsletter
When you sign up to our newsletter, we process the following (categories of) personal data:
• Your name as provided by you;
• Your e-mail address as provided by you;
• Your e-mail preferences as provided by you, your IP address, information about your location and which device and browser you use, and the open and click ratio with the corresponding timestamps (time of opening) of the messages we send you as collected by us.
When you are active on social media
To find you on social media, we use Custom Audience targeting from Google Ads Customer Match and Facebook Custom Audiences. To do this, we upload certain information, such as a cookie ID, which is converted into a unique value that can be matched with a user account on these platforms to allow us to learn about your interests and to enable us to target our advertising campaigns at specific users. If you do not want to be part of a Custom Audience tool, you can indicate this at any time by contacting us via [email protected]. You can also control the ads you see on Google services, including Customer Match ads in your Google Ads settings. More information about changing your Facebook ad preferences can be found here.
When you visit our website
If you visit our website but do not place an order, create an account or otherwise actively share personal data with us, we will process your IP address and so-called client and other cookie identifiers, because we use cookies on our website. You can read more about this in our Cookie Statement.
When you use our Orange Army app
We process your personal data when you sign up for the Orange Army app through our sign up page or through your social media account (Facebook) and when you use the Orange Army app. Depending on the features that you use of our Orange Army app, we will process the following (categories of) personal data as provided by you and/or as collected by us:
• Your first and last name;
• Your e-mail address;
• Log-in details;
• Billing and/or payment data;
• Details of your activity in the Orange Army app;
• Your IP address and client and other cookie identifiers;
• Location data.
We can combine the personal data that we collect via the Orange Army app with information that you provide to use in another way or which third parties deliver to us. More information about our use of cookies can be found in our Cookie Statement.
If you deliver products or services to us
If you work for one of our suppliers, we wil process the following (categories of) personal data as provided by you or the supplier you work for:
• Your name and address details (name, first names, initials, titles, gender, address, postal code, residence);
• Other contact details (telephone number, e-mail address and similar data required for communication);
• Data for the purpose of placing orders or purchasing services, calculating and recording fees and expenses, making payments and collecting receivables, including the bank account number.
Our website is not aimed at children. Are you under 16? Please have your parent(s) or guardian(s) read this Privacy Policy. For example, you need their consent to sign up for our newsletter.
On the basis of which legal processing grounds and for which purposes do we process your personal data?
We process your personal data on the basis of one or more of the following legal processing grounds:
a) If this is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which you are a party e.g. the purchase agreement you enter into with us for the purchase of a product in our webshop or to perform precontractual acts at your request;
b) If this is necessary to comply with statutory obligations;
c) If this is necessary to justify our legitimate interests or the interests of a third party;
d) Your consent, e.g. when you sign up for our newsletter.
If we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, we will ask you for it separately. You may withdraw your consent at any time. We draw your attention to the fact that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of your personal data prior to the withdrawal of your consent.
We use the abovementioned personal data for the purposes stated below, in respect of which we have indicated for each purpose on the basis of which of the abovementioned legal processing grounds (a through d) we do so. If the processing is based on the principle of ‘legitimate interest’, we briefly explain this interest. If you have any specific questions in this respect, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Purposes with corresponding processing grounds:
• to provide the requested services, including the use of our Orange Army app and to be able to deliver products and process returns (a, b and c: to be able to offer and improve our products and services);
• for our administration, including the calculation or recording of fees or benefits, income and expenses, the payment and collection of claims (including the use of collection agencies or bailiffs) (a, b and c: the importance of keeping proper records);
• to be able to deal with any complaints and disputes about our products and services (a, b and c: to defend rights, to maintain and improve existing relationships by means of proper handling of complaints, to improve the quality of our products and services);
• to keep in touch with you and to communicate with you, for example, to provide information about the products and services you have purchased and/or by sending personalised newsletters and offers tailored to your interests and preferences, taking into account previous orders and purchases (a, b, c: our legitimate interest of being able to answer questions and our legitimate interest of using direct marketing, d);
• to be able to conduct research on the fans of our website and the products and services they purchase (c: to be able to optimise our website and product and service range);
• to provide you with access to our website and the Orange Army app, to be able to improve the website and Orange Army app, to be able to display the website in your chosen language and for the purposes of security and tracking of user statistics of our website and the Orange Army app and to be able to show advertisements on social media and other websites (c: our legitimate interest of being able to provide you with a safe and optimised website and app, d);
• to track your location when using the Orange Army app (d);
• to be able to send you partner mailings (d);
• to handle your job application (a, b, c: our legitimate interest in assessing whether you are suitable for the job opening and d: consent if you wish to remain in our portfolio, see the header: “How long do we retain your personal data?”);
• for placing orders or purchasing services (a, b and c: our legitimate interest in being able to keep proper records);
• for conducting audits and other internal controls (a, b and c: our legitimate interest in being able to keep proper records);
• to comply with our legal and statutory obligations (b, c: our legitimate interest of being able to meet these obligations).
To whom do we provide your personal data?
We do not provide your personal data to third parties (‘recipients’ within the meaning of the applicable privacy legislation), unless this is necessary for the proper performance of the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, if the law requires us to do so or if you have provided your consent to this end. The third parties to whom the personal data are made available are obliged to handle your personal data confidentially. If these parties qualify as a ‘data processor’ within the meaning of the applicable privacy legislation, we will ensure that a data processing agreement is concluded with these parties, which complies with the requirements included in the GDPR. Third parties which offer services to us as an independent data controller, such as our logistic partners, are themselves responsible for the (further) processing of your personal data in accordance with the applicable privacy legislation.
Depending on the relationship we have with you, we share your personal data with:
• Our suppliers (e.g. software providers such as the provider of our Orange Army app, logistics service providers such as delivery services and our warehouse provider, fulfilment providers and accountants).
• Payment service providers;
• With our legal successors if we are acquired by or merged with another company, for example through bankruptcy and also with third parties involved in such proposed or actual business transaction;
• Courts and government institutions; e.g. if certain government institutions need your personal data for the execution of their tasks, such as the tax authorities. Also, the police or judiciary may need certain personal data in case of fraud or abuse. Finally, certain supervisory authorities may gain access to your personal data in the context of an investigation;
• Other parties, such as regulators and other authorities where required by law or with your consent (such as when you give us permission to share your personal data with a specific partner).
In order to provide our services, we might need to transfer your personal data to a recipient in a country outside the European Economic Area with a lower degree of protection of personal data than the European law offers. In that case, we will ensure that such a transfer of personal data is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, for example by concluding a model contract prepared and approved for that purpose by the European Commission and will assess whether any additional measures are necessary to guarantee an appropriate level of protection of your personal data. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you wish to receive more information about the appropriate or suitable safeguards in place for data transfers outside of the European Economic Area or if you would like to obtain a copy of them.
How long do we retain your personal data?
We do not retain your personal data in an identifiable form for longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes included in this Privacy Policy. More specifically, we apply the following retention periods:
• Personal data that must be kept on the basis of Article 52 of the Dutch State Taxes Act will be kept for 7 years (from the end of the year in which the data in question have lost their current value for the (tax-) related business operations) in connection with the tax retention obligation incumbent on us pursuant to Article 52(4) of the Dutch State Taxes Act. This includes the personal data that is processed when you buy something from us. If you create an account with us, we will keep your personal data for as long as you are an active customer. If you have not logged in after the abovementioned seven-year period, we will delete your data.
• If you have signed up for our newsletter, we will retain the personal data processed for this purpose until you unsubscribe from the newsletter, which can be done via the unsubscribe link in each newsletter message and, if you have created an account, also via your account.
• The personal data that are processed in the context of a complaint, will be removed no later than two years after the complaint and/or the legal proceedings arising from it have been dealt with.
• If you contact us via the e-mail form on our website, we will save the personal data you provide and the personal data generated by us as part of your request in principle for 30 days so that we can answer your request. This period may be extended if, after 30 days, your request has not been resolved or if your request concerns a complaint, in which case the retention period specified below will apply.
• If you have not logged into the Orange Army app for a year, we will delete the personal data that we have processed from you in connection with the use of the Orange Army app. The location data that are being processed via the Orange Army app will be retained for a period of maximum 12 months.
The abovementioned specific retention periods can be extended if statutory retention obligations apply or will become applicable. We may also retain the personal data for a longer period of time if this is necessary in light of our legitimate interests, e.g. for the handling of incidents and/or legal disputes. For more information on the retention periods regarding the use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Statement.
We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against loss, destruction, damage, modification or publication. If you have any questions about the security of your personal data, or if you suspect or see signs of misuse, please contact us via [email protected]
Your privacy rights
You have the following rights in respect of the processing of your personal data by us:
- the right to request whether we process your personal data and if so, the right to access your personal data and to receive information about the processing of your personal data;
- the right to rectification of your personal data if these are incorrect or incomplete;
- the right to have your personal data deleted (‘right to be forgotten’);
- the right to object to the processing of your personal data or to limit the processing of your personal data;
- the right to withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data, if the processing is based on your consent;
- the right to receive or surrender your personal data to a third party appointed by you in a structured, customary and machine-readable form (‘right to data portability’).
Unsubscribing from our newsletter and/or offers
You can unsubscribe from our newsletter and/or offers at any time using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message. If you have created an account, you can also unsubscribe through your account.
Disable location sharing
We will only process your location data if you have given us your explicit consent to do so. You can disable the sharing of your location data yourself via the 'Geolocation' button in the Orange Army app.
To exercise your rights, you can contact us via [email protected] or by post via the contact details at the top of this Privacy Policy.
In order to prevent that we disclose information to the wrong person, we can ask you for additional information to verify your identity. In principle, we will inform you whether we can comply with your request, within one month after receipt. In specific cases, for example when it concerns a complex request, this term may be extended by two months. We will inform you of such an extension within one month after receiving your request. On the basis of the applicable privacy legislation, we can refuse your request under certain circumstances. If this is the case, we will explain to you why. You can find more information about your privacy rights on the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data by us, we will be happy to work together to find a solution. If this does not lead to the desired result, you will have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In the Netherlands, this is the Dutch Data Protection Authority. If you live or work in another country of the European Union, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority of that country.
This Privacy Policy was last amended on may 18th of 2022. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy. The most recent version of this Privacy Policy will always be posted on our website. If substantial amendments are made that could affect you significantly, we will endeavour to inform you directly.
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